May 02, 2010

2010 Goal Update

To recap my goals are this year are,
  • Pay off computer before August. (That's when I'm hit with deferred interests charges.)
  • Pay off Citi Card and close account. (Timely doesn't really matter because I don't owe a whole lot and should have it paid off in a few months.)
  • Put $200 in savings each month.
  • Get Freelance Design Website up and running. End of the Year.
  • Get Gaming Company Website up and running. End of the Year.
  • Finish First Game Idea. (Does not have to be published, just finished.) This one isn't a very good SMART Goal because it is too vague, but I'm keeping it on the list.
Pay off computer. In Progress
Made payment, on track.

Put $200 in savings In Progress
Direct Deposit, no withdraws. On track.

Get Freelance Design Website running. In Progress
Get Gaming Company Website running. In Progress
No action at this time.

Finish First Game idea. In Progress
No action at this time.

Pay off Citi Card. COMPLETED
Made last payment. Getting ready to call and cancel card.

April 01, 2010

2010 Goal Update

To recap my goals are this year are,
  • Pay off computer before August. (That's when I'm hit with deferred interests charges.)
  • Pay off Citi Card and close account. (Timely doesn't really matter because I don't owe a whole lot and should have it paid off in a few months.)
  • Put $200 in savings each month.
  • Get Freelance Design Website up and running. End of the Year.
  • Get Gaming Company Website up and running. End of the Year.
  • Finish First Game Idea. (Does not have to be published, just finished.) This one isn't a very good SMART Goal because it is too vague, but I'm keeping it on the list.
Pay off computer. In Progress
Made HUGE payment, very much on track, may have it paid off early.

Pay off Citi Card. COMPLETED
Made last payment. Getting ready to call and cancel card.

Put $200 in savings In Progress
Direct Deposit, 1 loan to myself, paid loan off on next paycheck. On track.

Get Freelance Design Website running. In Progress
Get Gaming Company Website running. In Progress
No action at this time.

Finish First Game idea. In Progress
No action at this time.

March 25, 2010

New definition of Freedom

free·dom  [free-duhm]

1. the state of being free from the burden of having to make a decision.

March 01, 2010

2010 Goal Update

To recap my goals are this year are,
  • Pay off computer before August. (That's when I'm hit with deferred interests charges.)
  • Pay off Citi Card and close account. (Timely doesn't really matter because I don't owe a whole lot and should have it paid off in a few months.)
  • Put $200 in savings each month.
  • Get Freelance Design Website up and running. End of the Year.
  • Get Gaming Company Website up and running. End of the Year.
  • Finish First Game Idea. (Does not have to be published, just finished.) This one isn't a very good SMART Goal because it is too vague, but I'm keeping it on the list.
Pay off computer. In Progress
Made payment, on track.

Pay off Citi Card. In Progress
Made payment, on track. Made last payment to Care Card so extra will go into this. Should have it paid off next month.

Put $200 in savings In Progress
Direct Deposit, not withdraws, on track.

Get Freelance Design Website running. In Progress
Get Gaming Company Website running. In Progress
No action at this time.

Finish First Game idea. In Progress
Did a playtest this month. Went really real still need more playtesting. Status NA.

January 30, 2010

January Goal Update

To recap my goals are this year are,
  • Pay off computer before August. (That's when I'm hit with deferred interests charges.)
  • Pay off Citi Card and close account. (Timely doesn't really matter because I don't owe a whole lot and should have it paid off in a few months.)
  • Put $200 in savings each month.
  • Get Freelance Design Website up and running. End of the Year.
  • Get Gaming Company Website up and running. End of the Year.
  • Finish First Game Idea. (Does not have to be published, just finished.) This one isn't a very good SMART Goal because it is too vague, but I'm keeping it on the list.
Pay off computer. In Progress
Made payment, on track.

Pay off Citi Card. In Progress
Made payment, on track.

Put $200 in savings In Progress
Direct Deposit, not withdraws, on track.

Get Freelance Design Website running. In Progress
Get Gaming Company Website running. In Progress
Purchase and installed software for both goals, on track.

Finish First Game idea. In Progress
Still in idea phase, status NA.

January 09, 2010

Happy New Decade!!!!

I quit doing doing New Year Resolutions a long time ago. I never saw the point. Resolutions sounds like wishful thinking. For those that still do this, I wish you the best of luck in resolutions. For me it just doesn't work.

Instead, I come up with goals I wish to accomplish each year. Goals for me are more definite. they can be measured and evaluated. Over the past few weeks I have looked at last years goals and will be post this years goals.

Last year's goals
• Pay off last credit card. Failed
Had Varsity Gold stayed in business I believe I would have accomplished this goal. Being unemployed for two months can cause a person to drastically re-evaluate ones financial obligations. I managed to stay current with making monthly payments, but failed to pay it off.

• Put $150 into savings. Sort of
During my unemployment I had to tap into my savings to cover living expenses. After becoming employed again I resumed putting money back into my savings. This time at $200 a month. The extra covered the two months I did not put in and then some. But I did not cover the money I withdrew during my unemployment.

• Purchase new computer. Accomplished
I wasn't able to purchase it without credit, but I did purchase a new computer. Originally I was wanting it for my own freelancing, but I got the computer for school.

2010's Goals
I am using the S.M.A.R.T. model for my goals.

S - Specific
M - Measurable
A - Attainable
R - Realistic
T - Timely

• Pay off computer before August. (That's when I'm hit with deferred interests charges.)
• Pay off Citi Card and close account. (Timely doesn't really matter because I don't owe a whole lot and should have it paid off in a few months.)
• Put $200 in savings each month.
• Get Freelance Design Website up and running. End of the Year.
• Get Gaming Company Website up and running. End of the Year.
• Finish First Game Idea. (Does not have to be published, just finished.) This one isn't a very good SMART Goal because it is too vague, but I'm keeping it on the list.

Happy New Year and Good Luck with your Goals and Resolutions,

Who was the idiot that though that was a good idea?

So recently there have been a lot of single posts on woman's facebook pages. This single word is a color, nothing more, nothing less. A color. Great I'll bite, I like a good mystery. I play around trying to figure it out. No more clues, ok, boring moving on.

A couple days later I hear a news report about it on the radio. The color is suppose to be the color of the bra the woman is wearing at that moment. OK, mystery solved. Now I look like the idiot that posted color in reply to my friends page. Ha ha ha you got me, I'm wearing a cerulean bra. Not first time I've looked like an idiot and I am sure it will not be the last. Life would be boring if it were. I hope someone got a good laugh out it. If not, I'm disappointed.

Come to find out, it some viral campaign for breast cancer awareness. Cool, I'm down with preventing cancer of any form. Wait a second?!? A viral campaign where you post cryptic messages on your facebook page. Basically one big inside joke? No one knows the meaning behind it, except for the few select people that are in on the joke. So remind me, how this bring about awareness?

Awareness it to make people who are unaware of a problem or situation aware. The people posting the single color on their facebook pages are aware of breast cancer. They post their bra color, and never explain the meaning behind it. Those not in the know, like me (before the radio report) who happens to be aware of breast cancer the dangers of it, are never informed of it meaning. Which also means those unaware of breast cancer will also never be made aware breast cancer. Fun idea, poor implementation as the point of the color posts, make people aware of breast cancer, did not make people aware.

As an aside, if anyone wants to see me in the cerulean bra, e-mail me and I might just send you a picture. ; )