Although I said I never would, I've decided to get back into playing D&D. It came about because sometimes gaming a game system you don't particularly like is better then no gaming at all. Although I am still looking for another game and working on getting my 7th Sea campaign up and running. Awhile ago I met with the GM. We talked about the Campaign, system and other stuff. Over the past few weeks I've been thinking about my character. I proudly introduce you to Lord Emrys ir Teutorigs, Esquire. He is a noble from Aundair. Raised with the all the luxuries that the Nobles enjoy. But he also has seen the corruption that the Nobles inflict upon the people that serve them. With the help of his best friend and personal valet, Carwyn, they set out to fix the system from within during the day and remove those that oppose the change they are fighting for at night. Emrys works as a Barrister for those that can't defend themselves and works to change the laws that he feels are unjust. Sort of a cross between Batman/Bruce Wayne and Robin Hood.
Because of Class system that D&D uses it's hard to create the character I wanted, but I think I manage to figure it out. My plan is to take the Rogue class until I can take the Master Inquisitive prestige class from the Eberron Campaign setting. After that I was thinking of taking the Duelist prestige class from the DMG. With the Rogue class I get tons of points to put towards skills. It also fits for the Batman/Vigillante part of his character.
Faber est suae quisque fortunae "Every man is the artisan of his own fortune"
This is the Motto of the Teutorigs Family. There Family chest is Red and Black Checkered field Shield, with a Standing Lion on the left of the shield and Dragonhawk on the Right of the Shield. Below the Shield is an Olive Branch and a Bunch of Grapes.
Tomorrow we will be gaming our first game. More to come...
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1 month ago