Ever since a friend of mine told me about the book I wanted to do it. I picked the book up for my birthday. Happy Birthday Me! I've started reading through it and started feeling scared, a little intimidated by it. But excited too. I told all my artist friends about it and even some non-artist friends too. But it wasn't until a couple weeks ago a friend of mine, Thank You! (you know who you are.) Pinned me down, and made pick a date. July 12, 2009. Encouraged me to "Leap" and realize "the net would appear."
I have my Notebook ready for my morning writings. Which I know will be a challenge for me. I am so not a morning person. I figure I will go through 3 notebooks during the 12 week journey. I have signed the contract and I'm ready. I will return to posting regular Wednesday Quotes. They will be using quotes The Artist's Way.

My bags are pack. I love you all. I'll see you when I get back. I'll remember to take lots of pictures and sent a post card or two.