Dems celebrate in victory, as Repubs claim the fight is not over. Either way the "Historic" passage of the Democrats Health Care Bill passed the Senate in a 60-39 vote early on Christmas Eve. After hearing that the senate passed the bill, President Obama was quoted as saying,
“If passed, this will be the most important piece of social policy since the Social Security Act in the 1930s, and the most important reform of our health care system since Medicare passed in the 1960s.”
Really Mr. President? You want to equate the Dems Health Care "Reform" to Social Security and Medicare? With Social Security, a program that most people believe will not be there when they reach retirement age, and according to an article in the U.S. News & World Report back in May claims that Social Security will be spending more then it brings in by 2016 and will be bankrupt by 2037. And Medicare, which according to the same article is in a much worse financial situation.
With the most recent HINI Flu scare, we saw how the government handled that. First it took forever to get the vaccine out to the public, then there was the shortage, and lastly the recall of the vaccine. Do you really want your government handling all of your health care needs? Especially if the H1N1 is any indication on how they will handle it. Is our health care system perfect? No, not even close, but that is because we have too much government intervention already. Handing over total control will only make it worse.
I know this may sound strange, but I blame the Republicans for this. During the eight years under Bush, the Republicans passed all of their partisan bills that costs the American people billions of dollars (if not trillions), while the Democrats were given crumbs. Now the roles are reversed and it's time for the Dems to pass their partisan bills and live high on the hog while the Repubs scrounge for table scraps. But who really suffers? We all do, in higher taxes, higher debt and higher inflation with no end in sight. All because we thought the other evil was not as evil as the current evil. As I've said before, evil is still evil no matter which way you look at it. When will it all end? When we the American population all realize that we can't trust either the Repubs or the Dems. Vote out those life long career politicians and get get a third, a forth and maybe even a fifth and sixth party involved. Get the media outlets to work for us again, holding politicians accountable, and quit toeing the party line.