The cargo was shipped and off loaded in Carleon. New cargo was added and we set sail for Montaigne.
During the voyage to Montaigne I had some more strange dreams. I went and talked to the Captain about putting me on an extra shift. I figured the extra work would help me sleep better. She denied me my request but in a way also granted it. Since we are traveling back to Montaigne, were Captain Izzie is wanted for piracy, we had to disguise the Sea Fox. So new paint and change of appearances was done while we were out at sea.
This meant there would be extra work for everyone. She also told me to speak to Ewan, the ships doctor, about some drugs to help me with my sleeping. I took them the first two nights, they didn't really help. They only made feel light headed and dizzy in the morning. I didn't have the dreams but I didn't sleep well either. The dreams follow a similar theme. Someone or something was chasing me and no matter what I do I can't escape. Back when I lived with Jean in Buche, I had similar dreams. These were different. The dreams in Buche, I was chased in the dark. I never knew where I was or where I was running too, I knew I had to keep running. Then something would grab me by the throat and I would start to choke. I would usually wake up grasping for breath. In my resent dreams I'm in a city, it seems very familiar to me, but I don't recognize it. Also it appears to be during the day, but no sun or sky was visible and the shadows on the ground look odd. They dance and waver sort of like the shadows during a solar eclipse. Also the city quite, and empty, like everyone just disappeared. And the voice, It was a low whisper I could barely hear it, but I think it said, "the darkness hide you no longer." The extra work helped me sleep, the dreams seemed to have gone away, for now, I'm sure they will be back.
We first sailed to Vraise dropped off the books on heretical text, and then sailed to Buche. After arriving in Buche, we started off loading the ale that we were shipping for George Skard. When a man dressed in tattered clothes came running down the docks. He was scared and was shouting in théan, "Help Me, Help Me." A man was running after him and then another group of men were running after them. We hailed the scared man to come aboard and quickly got him below decks. Later we learned his name is Charles. The other man appeared to be a friend of Charles and said he would try to steer the others away from our ship. Ewan looked over the man and noticed some scars that looked like the scars Izzie had from when she was imprisoned. The other group stopped and asked about the 2 men running this way. Nick told them they ran that way and pointed down the pier, and the group continued on. Later when Charles's friend came back, Nick, Diego, Izzie and Jacqueline questioned him. During this, Maus was talking to Charles. After Izzie and Jacqueline were done talking to the other guy, he helped his friend off the ship. I was granted shore leave, so I visited my friend Jean and returned the next morning. Nen was also in Buche, and came aboard to much enthusiasm from the crew. We then prepared to set sail.
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