Nearly 6 months ago a gaming campaign that was going on for years came to an end. I had been with the game for nearly 4 years, and the game had started a year or so before I started. We didn't know this, at the time. We all thought it was going to continue. You see our friend, the GM, who runs the game, missed another session. No call, no explanation, no nothing. You have 5 gamers all sitting around waiting for him to show up so that we can indulge in our addiction. Well after a couple of hours, we decided to call it a night.(And many unanswered phone calls to his cell phone) These stand-ups happen with some regularity, and if he didn't spin such a good story, we would have dropped the game years ago. Although lately it was happening with more regularity, and when he did show up, it seemed as if he was just calling it in. The excitement of running a game had left him. Call it burnout. I understand that, but all we'd ask is that he be honest with us. Then, he dropped off the face of the earth. We all know the game had come to an end. Although we didn't want to admit it, but the writing on the wall and was all plain to see. Another disappointing conclusion to yet another unfinished campaign. This one had potential, if there was a campaign that would reach it's finally, this was the one, but in the end it too finished unresolved.
A couple months ago, I was talking with another player. We were talking about how annoyed we were about not knowing the ending. I confided in her that the only reason I was still playing was because I wanted to know what happened to her character, Izzie. Her character was the star after all. The character I was playing had left the game to do his own thing. So I was without a character, and not wanting to leave the group, I started playing another character. The new character that was fun to play, but one I wasn't emotionally attached to it. After thinking about it for a few days, I decided I could pick up where our GM left off and at least finish the last adventure. When I proposed this to my friend, she was excited about the possibility. Asked if I was serious, and I said I was. About a month ago I ran the conclusion to the last adventure. Things when really well and added a little taste of things to come. After the session, I asked if they wanted to continue. And the response was yes.
After months of nothing (our last gaming session was on 1/20), we have revived it, and the story continues on...
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1 month ago
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