Our story starts in the spring. Baron Gregor Steele (Played by Matt) received a letter from Count Kether stating it was a matter of great importance and we all should come. But Gregor was also having troubles in his lands. So we decided to go and investigate the trouble on our way to Count Kether's. We were also invited to Lady Peacocks Late Spring Social. Baron Iver Thorne (Played by Me) sent his wife with his Seneschal and Personal Guard in his place. Some of the others sent their spouse as well.
3 Things about Lady Peacock
Blooded of the Elk
Called Lady Peacock because of her Outrages Dress
Has the Aspect of "I know everyone"
Also has the Aspect of "Matchmaker"
Trouble in Astrel Farms
Baron Gregor was having trouble in multiple regions but we could only visit one. So we went to his farms. We meant with Jack Coffin, the Head Man of Astrel Farms.
3 Things about Jack Coffin
Not Blooded
Walks with a Limp
Has a dog
Jack showed us the fields. When he placed a spade into the ground blood come out of the soil like the earth was bleeding from a cut.
Things about know about the blooded earth
Soil was cursed with a Vendetta ritual
Bad sorcery (Illegal)
To undo the curse you must salt the earth
Someone in towns knows who is behind this curse
Conclusion: Someone is after Gregor's land
As the people were looking onward, one fellow, Levlin, was trying not to be seen. His suspicious actions caused us to question him. When we asked him to come forward he ran. Baroness, Lysandra chased him as Baron Iver shot Levlin in the leg with an arrow. Baroness Lysandra Burghe (Played by Quin) dragged Levlin back and presented him to Baron Gregor. When questioned he revealed these truths.
Things we know about Levlin
Man dressed in black wearing masks
Gave Levlin and his brother pretty things, (Glass Beads, Worthless, From Kether's Lands)
Gave them vials of Blood to pore onto the fields
Men spoke like the Blooded, "Regal countenance"
Levlin and his Brother could not refuse them (Not sorcery, but supernatural)
Brother was killed by Orks 2 weeks ago
Levlin then salted the fields, Baron Drustan Mwrr (Played by Pam) helped with the task. Baron Gregor should mercy to Levlin, which cause the loyalty in the region to go up. Jack was then order to keep an eye on Levlin.
Track to the North
Baron Gregor's Roadman, Brian and his men found tracks to the North. The tracks lead into the "Bad Lands" and then into Baron Gregor's Mountains. The tracks then double backed and turned to the east as they lead out of Gregor's land. Wyr, Drustan's Swordsman, found us a good place to camp.
3 Things about Wyr
In love with Baron Drustan's Wife
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