I want to say about 6 months ago, after a Saturday night of drinking. I woke up Sunday afternoon all hung over and dehydrated. I rolled over and grabbed a can of Pepsi and a bottle of water from my mini-frig and picked up the TV remote and turned on the tely. To my surprise the Soap Opera channel was on, not the History or Comedy or One the 9 million movie Channels I normal would have had on when I watch TV last. I guess during the night I had rolled on the DirectTV remote and switch channels in my sleep. It's rare, but it's happened before, usually it switched to some channel that doesn't exist or one we don't subscribe to. But this time it was on SOAP. A cute perky yet manipulative Blonde was being all catty with another cute perky Blonde. "Ohhh, Cat fight! This ought to be good" I thought. Well, like most soaps it went nowhere, just veiled threats and the characters departed. "Ok where's the remote?" I looked around my bed, "it should be here somewhere? Oh there it is, on the floor beside my bed." Normally I'd get up and switch the channels, but today, I was really lazy, and besides there are cute blondes, so it's not all that bad. Well it turns out the show was General Hospital and was replaying a weeks worth of episodes. Now I've heard of General Hospital, just as I've heard of dozen other Soap Operas. Growing up, my mom watched All My Children, The Young and the Restless and maybe a couple others, I was usually too busy playing outside to care. In high School my sister would watch Y&R, and when she was life guarding, she would ask me to tell her what was going on. Her mistake, I would start to tell her what was going on, but I would never say who I was talking about. I would always say "That one Guy, You know the old one"
"You mean Victor?" She'd ask.
"Ya, I think. But anyways, he was talking to that one girl..." Before I could even get to the title screen, I had her all confused and she would get fed up and leave. It was good thing because after the title screen I was already bored to tears and had left the room.
So, I watched the rest of Mondays episode. I know it was Mondays show because in the bottom right corner of the screen was Monday written over a larger GH. The episode ended with some Mob enforcer taking to his boss about some guy they killed. WOW, the mobs in Soap Operas, and cute blondes. Oh and the Cute, Manipulative Blonde one, has an even cuter sister. And there's a character that a computer geek, that refers to himself as "The Jackal" and has nicknames for all the characters. I kind of like this character, a geek and an outcast.
So anyway I spend most of the day watching all five episodes getting something to eat and showering during one the shows, it doesn't matter the plot moves at a snails pace you could miss a month and after one episode be all caught up. I have to admit, I kind of like General Hospital.
Well the next week goes by, I have no desire to watch GH, or any other soap for that matter. It's not that I didn't want to watch GH. I just didn't have time, and didn't really care about it. I enjoyed my time with the people of Port Charles, but I was on to other things. Another week goes by still not watching GH. A couple months have passed, its around Christmas time now and there is nothing on TV. I'm killing time at my folks house. GH was on. Started watching, sure enough, after an episode I was all caught up. The people of Port Charles, are stricken with fear because of the TMK, or Text Message Killer. There some fancy shmancy ball that everyone who's anyone will be at. The ball goes on for 3 weeks, In GH time, one evening, but it took the writers 3 weeks to cover a 5-6 hour event.
So now I'm watching GH weekly. But I've noticed that I'm not watching like most people watch Soaps, or the reason I think most people that watch soaps. I could care less about the people and who they trying to screw over or screwing. I'm looking for what I've been calling Triangles. Sometime there Love Triangles but not always. Here's an example, Person A loves Person B. And Person B loves Person A. But Person A's best friend is Person C, but Person C HATES Person B. And Person C is secretly in love with Person A. Here all over the place, triangles and there are easy to spot if your looking for them. But I'm not just looking for Triangles, but looking at how those triangles effect everyone else and their triangles. Person, D, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, etc. Basically looking at the art of storytelling a Soap Opera. And seeing how I can incorporate that style in my games. (Insert evil Laugh)
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1 month ago
1 comment:
What ever you need to tell yourself to make it not so creepy. ;)
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