Finishing up at the Opera
Before the smoke could clear from the burnt Opera House. Rumors of a Fox, dressed in disguise, had reviewed the opera. The reviewer said that the opera was a bold critique of operas in general. The themes cliché as well as the characters involved. “Over used and played out.” The first part of the review goes into great details of all the flaws of the opera, including how long it was. But then the review goes and praises the writer of the opera with his daring surprise ending of burning down the opera house in a symbolic jester that calls for new themes and new character as the high art of opera is reborn. Hence the reason the opera but on during spring. There are many that agree and others that disagree. Those that disagree simply state that the opera was horrible and it was a tragedy the opera house burned down, for it was very fine opera house. Many stand around a debate the points the reviewer brought up.
Lady No and Lord Throsh are off in a quite corner talking. Lady No gives Lord Throsh his first task. A Baron had insulted her. She wants him to apologies for that insult. Throsh asks who this person is. She relies with “Baron Tane Yvarai”. Lord Throsh then goes off to find the offending Baron. Lady No smiles an unsettling smile as she watches Lord Throsh walk away.
Baron Tane Yvarai: Three Things true
- There was no insult to Lady No
- His lands are in trouble
- One of the finest Craftsmen in all of Shanri
At the grotto, the Aunt is there with her personal guard. She greets Chayan and informs him that someone not invited to the opera was present. She believes that person was responsible for starting the fire. Lord Chayan informs her that someone not invited was indeed present for the opera and then informs her of his bear friend from the academy. Lord Chayan also tells her that he doesn’t believe he had anything to do with the fire. She says she will take that in to consideration and immediately calls over her personal guards to apprehend the man.
Lilyth Thorne: Three things true
- Count's Seneschal
- Hushed rumors that she is actual older then Autumn
- Been offered a Barony but turned it down
Baron Vaydalon Yvarai: Three Things true
- Has a Serpent Wife
- Has the aspect “I know you, Don’t I?”
- Name means Pampered Prince
- Vassal to Count Zajkara Mwrr
- Has many Farms
- Creepy in Tall, Thin, Pale kind of way
- Count Maurevel pissed him off at the last senate meeting
- Blooded of the Serpent
- Lady Trisnoira was his Swordsman
In the middle of a Lord Tane’s story Lord Throsh storms in and accuses Lord Tane of insulting Lady No. Lord Tane says he has no idea what this ball-less, Savage, brute is talking and that whatever trollop he was hanging out with, surely deserved it. Lord Throsh then attacks the man. The fight is over quickly, Lord Throsh breaks Lord Tane’s leg, breaks his nose, before he apologies for the insult to Lady No. Lord Throsh, having satisfied the lover’s task, turns and walks back to receive his alta from Lady No. But before he can claim it, the guards show up and ask Lord Throsh why he was striking one of Count’s guests. Lord Throsh and Lord Tane are brought before the Count. The Count asks Lord Tane if the matter was settled. Which he begrudgingly affirms. The Count and his guard leave. Lady No shows up and give Lord Throsh a kiss on the back of the hand. Lord Throsh then goes to give her a big passionate kiss. But she pulls back and ask Throsh if that is task for her? He says it is and she submits to Throsh desires.
Back to Lord Chayan and the Aunt.
The guards rush the Bear before the Count. He pleads that he was not responsible. The Aunt shows and testifies that he seen back stage. She then brings forth the entire backstage crew.
“I saw him.” a lady says.
“I saw him too.” a man says.
“I saw him, he tipped over a candle.” another lady says.
“Yes, it was him” a third lady says.
One by one all of the crew give statement that he was the one responsible for starting the fire.
Lord Vaydalon speaks up and suggests he wear the black and carry the spear for someone.
The Count asks if anyone has knowledge of Baron Barde Steiner, the bear friend to Chayan, whereabouts during the opera. It was discovered that he was sitting next to Lord Vaydalon’s wife and was beside her during entire performance. She is enamored with him. There was someone impersonating Lord Barde and it was the hidden fox.
Lord Vaydalon steps forth and says he vouches for Lord Barde. “He was with my wife the entire time.”
The Count asks Lord Vaydalon if he was with Lord Barde the entire time. Which he says no but he was in sight of his wife the entire time. The Count asks Lord Vaydalon’s wife if she vouches for Lord Barde. She looks to Lord Vaydalon before answering yes.
Lord Chayan steps forth and announces that there is sorcery that can make someone look like some else.
At this Lady No speaks as if she is intrigued with this type of sorcery “You mean there is sorcery that makes someone look like someone else?”
The Count then says that he has heard that the greater Suaven Ashalim Avendi has blessed some of his followers with the ability to make one look and speak as someone else.
Lord Chayan then says we have three examples of someone looking like someone else, perhaps this man is innocent of these charges.
During this the Aunt is keeping her composer but it is evident that she could strangle her liege. It is as if she eye scream “I gave you the perfect out and you screwed it up.” She suggest that maybe this matter should be brought before the senate. The Count agrees and the Aunt asks Lord Vaydalon, his wife, and Lord Chayan if they are willing to testify before the senate. The Count lets Lord Barde go with the caveat that he also testify before the senate, with the knowledge that he can be tried in absentia and it may be looked as an omission of guilt if he does not show up. Lord Barde again professes his innocence and says he will be there.
A gathering, or a little party.
When Lord Vaydolan returns to his castle. He is greeted outside by one of his servants. The man rushes up and begs his pardon, “Please don’t kill me sir.” After a round of questions the servant say the Lady Agatha is visiting, and she has her maid and that is all. After giving the servant a few orders, Lord Vaydalon goes to see the Countess.
She is sitting in one of the rooms with her maid. She is drinking a tea that produces an acrid smell. She is dressed all in white, sitting in a special chair just made for her. She looks up to meet Lord Vaydalon eyes. Her eyes are golden in color. She states she wants to speak with the others. Lord Vaydalon informs her that he will be having a little party and they will be there. Although she seems to already know that.
Lord Vaydalon then departs and prepares for gathering.
The night before the gathering Lady No comes to Lord Throsh she begins to kiss him passionately. As the passions builds to a point were he could stand it no longer. She bits him on the lips and pulls back. A small amount of blood could be tasted in his mouth. She asks him if he is ready for his next tasks. He says he is. She smiles, and pulls out a red collar and leash. “Wear this.” she says.
Begrudgingly Lord Throsh accepts, and puts the collar on.
Lord Vaydalon greets everyone as they arrive. He then informs them that Lady Agatha wishes to speak to them.
As they enter the room where Lady Agatha is in, they see she in a white dress. Thin whites hairs start to cover her skin. The speaks softly as she says “At the end of the year, I believe I will enter the eternal dream and my husband will inherit my lands. I fear... no, I know that he will be unable to hold onto them. He lacks the cunning to see that his own Aunt is working to take them from him. If he loses his lands, you will lose yours.”
“Why would she be so ambitious, she already turned down a Barony.” Lord Vaydalon asks.
Lady Agatha relies, “She doesn’t want a barony, she wants a County. If was not for me he would not have been able to keep his lands.”
Lord Vaydalon and the others agree to work together to make sure that the Count keeps his lands, if Lady Agatha helps them before she enters solace.
The maid then says that the Countess needs her rest and then leads the counts out of the room.
Lady Agatha: Additional things true
- Blooded of the Elk
- Blooded of the Fox
- Spring Character
After dinner, Lord Vaydalon announces that he has started on an Opera House in dedication to the Opera House destroyed by the fire.
Lady Trisnoira enters, with Sabina’s husband and offers him back to her.
And promptly departs, but not until after Lord Vaydalon talk to her about possible recruitment.
Sometime passes when one of Lord Vaydalon’s flower arrangers shows up. He informs him that someone’s personal guard has shown up on Lord Vaydalon’s lands.
They all explore out to meet this incoming guard, with the exception of Lady No and Lord Throsh. Who stay out of range of the personal guard. Vaydalon noticed they were half staffed and Lady Namatha noticed they haven’t seen them yet.
The personal guard were near Lord Vaydalon’s plains. His roadmen were quelling trouble there.
Lord Vaydalon attempts to get the assistance of Lord Throsh from Lady No, but she refuses to let any him do anything that might cause harm to himself. Although Throsh is itching to get involved
As the personal guard advances, they noticed that their hands are covered in blood.
The battle was quick, and not as deadly as one would expect. One of the guards were nearly killed, Lord Vaydalon received a light wound. The personal guard says that if they lay down their weapons they will yield the field of battle to them. If not, the next injury will be fatal. Lord Vaydalon ask them who sent them, but they would not say. Lord Vaydalon and the others did cautiously laid down their weapons. The personal guard bows and takes a guarded retreat from the plains.
Lord Throsh anger grows as watches the battle, knowing that if was down there he could have made a difference.
Lady No turns to him and says “You did good.”
Lord Throsh asks, “At what, watching?”
“Being Obedient.” Lady No replied.
After the battle they returned to Sambol Castle. Lord Chayan remembers hearing of a ritual called Blooding the Soldiers. The ritual is very old and very few people know if it. The ritual is designed to train guards and armies. They are sent out on a conquest, not to conquer but to gain combat experience.
Once back Lord Vaydalon’s wife returns, she is covered in blood. She has a near fatal wound. But insists she is fine and demands to be left alone. Lord Vaydalon learns that the personal guard that they just fought were his, and believes that his serpent wife may have something to do with the bloodied hands.

You will never know your own Strength until you test it.