August 26, 2008

HotB: The Little Party (Session Recap)

Finishing up at the Opera
Before the smoke could clear from the burnt Opera House. Rumors of a Fox, dressed in disguise, had reviewed the opera. The reviewer said that the opera was a bold critique of operas in general. The themes cliché as well as the characters involved. “Over used and played out.” The first part of the review goes into great details of all the flaws of the opera, including how long it was. But then the review goes and praises the writer of the opera with his daring surprise ending of burning down the opera house in a symbolic jester that calls for new themes and new character as the high art of opera is reborn. Hence the reason the opera but on during spring. There are many that agree and others that disagree. Those that disagree simply state that the opera was horrible and it was a tragedy the opera house burned down, for it was very fine opera house. Many stand around a debate the points the reviewer brought up.

Lady No and Lord Throsh are off in a quite corner talking. Lady No gives Lord Throsh his first task. A Baron had insulted her. She wants him to apologies for that insult. Throsh asks who this person is. She relies with “Baron Tane Yvarai”. Lord Throsh then goes off to find the offending Baron. Lady No smiles an unsettling smile as she watches Lord Throsh walk away.

Baron Tane Yvarai: Three Things true
  • There was no insult to Lady No
  • His lands are in trouble
  • One of the finest Craftsmen in all of Shanri
Meanwhile, a servant approached Lord Chayan Mwrr. The servant informs him that Lilyth Thorne, Aunt and seneschal to the Count, requested that he “humbly” meets with her at the grotto. The servant departs and Lord Chayan goes to meet with the Aunt.

At the grotto, the Aunt is there with her personal guard. She greets Chayan and informs him that someone not invited to the opera was present. She believes that person was responsible for starting the fire. Lord Chayan informs her that someone not invited was indeed present for the opera and then informs her of his bear friend from the academy. Lord Chayan also tells her that he doesn’t believe he had anything to do with the fire. She says she will take that in to consideration and immediately calls over her personal guards to apprehend the man.

Lilyth Thorne: Three things true
  • Count's Seneschal
  • Hushed rumors that she is actual older then Autumn
  • Been offered a Barony but turned it down
While all of this was going on, Baron Vaydalon Yvarai, was trading with Baron Zhern Steele.

Baron Vaydalon Yvarai: Three Things true
  • Has a Serpent Wife
  • Has the aspect “I know you, Don’t I?”
  • Name means Pampered Prince
Baron Zhern Steele: Three Things true
  • Vassal to Count Zajkara Mwrr
  • Has many Farms
  • Creepy in Tall, Thin, Pale kind of way
Count Zajkara Mwrr: Three Things true
  • Count Maurevel pissed him off at the last senate meeting
  • Blooded of the Serpent
  • Lady Trisnoira was his Swordsman
Once his trading was done, he goes around to invite select members to little gathering he will be throwing later.

In the middle of a Lord Tane’s story Lord Throsh storms in and accuses Lord Tane of insulting Lady No. Lord Tane says he has no idea what this ball-less, Savage, brute is talking and that whatever trollop he was hanging out with, surely deserved it. Lord Throsh then attacks the man. The fight is over quickly, Lord Throsh breaks Lord Tane’s leg, breaks his nose, before he apologies for the insult to Lady No. Lord Throsh, having satisfied the lover’s task, turns and walks back to receive his alta from Lady No. But before he can claim it, the guards show up and ask Lord Throsh why he was striking one of Count’s guests. Lord Throsh and Lord Tane are brought before the Count. The Count asks Lord Tane if the matter was settled. Which he begrudgingly affirms. The Count and his guard leave. Lady No shows up and give Lord Throsh a kiss on the back of the hand. Lord Throsh then goes to give her a big passionate kiss. But she pulls back and ask Throsh if that is task for her? He says it is and she submits to Throsh desires.

Back to Lord Chayan and the Aunt.
The guards rush the Bear before the Count. He pleads that he was not responsible. The Aunt shows and testifies that he seen back stage. She then brings forth the entire backstage crew.

“I saw him.” a lady says.

“I saw him too.” a man says.

“I saw him, he tipped over a candle.” another lady says.

“Yes, it was him” a third lady says.

One by one all of the crew give statement that he was the one responsible for starting the fire.

Lord Vaydalon speaks up and suggests he wear the black and carry the spear for someone.

The Count asks if anyone has knowledge of Baron Barde Steiner, the bear friend to Chayan, whereabouts during the opera. It was discovered that he was sitting next to Lord Vaydalon’s wife and was beside her during entire performance. She is enamored with him. There was someone impersonating Lord Barde and it was the hidden fox.

Lord Vaydalon steps forth and says he vouches for Lord Barde. “He was with my wife the entire time.”

The Count asks Lord Vaydalon if he was with Lord Barde the entire time. Which he says no but he was in sight of his wife the entire time. The Count asks Lord Vaydalon’s wife if she vouches for Lord Barde. She looks to Lord Vaydalon before answering yes.

Lord Chayan steps forth and announces that there is sorcery that can make someone look like some else.

At this Lady No speaks as if she is intrigued with this type of sorcery “You mean there is sorcery that makes someone look like someone else?”

The Count then says that he has heard that the greater Suaven Ashalim Avendi has blessed some of his followers with the ability to make one look and speak as someone else.

Lord Chayan then says we have three examples of someone looking like someone else, perhaps this man is innocent of these charges.

During this the Aunt is keeping her composer but it is evident that she could strangle her liege. It is as if she eye scream “I gave you the perfect out and you screwed it up.” She suggest that maybe this matter should be brought before the senate. The Count agrees and the Aunt asks Lord Vaydalon, his wife, and Lord Chayan if they are willing to testify before the senate. The Count lets Lord Barde go with the caveat that he also testify before the senate, with the knowledge that he can be tried in absentia and it may be looked as an omission of guilt if he does not show up. Lord Barde again professes his innocence and says he will be there.

A gathering, or a little party.
When Lord Vaydolan returns to his castle. He is greeted outside by one of his servants. The man rushes up and begs his pardon, “Please don’t kill me sir.” After a round of questions the servant say the Lady Agatha is visiting, and she has her maid and that is all. After giving the servant a few orders, Lord Vaydalon goes to see the Countess.

She is sitting in one of the rooms with her maid. She is drinking a tea that produces an acrid smell. She is dressed all in white, sitting in a special chair just made for her. She looks up to meet Lord Vaydalon eyes. Her eyes are golden in color. She states she wants to speak with the others. Lord Vaydalon informs her that he will be having a little party and they will be there. Although she seems to already know that.

Lord Vaydalon then departs and prepares for gathering.

The night before the gathering Lady No comes to Lord Throsh she begins to kiss him passionately. As the passions builds to a point were he could stand it no longer. She bits him on the lips and pulls back. A small amount of blood could be tasted in his mouth. She asks him if he is ready for his next tasks. He says he is. She smiles, and pulls out a red collar and leash. “Wear this.” she says.

Begrudgingly Lord Throsh accepts, and puts the collar on.

Lord Vaydalon greets everyone as they arrive. He then informs them that Lady Agatha wishes to speak to them.

As they enter the room where Lady Agatha is in, they see she in a white dress. Thin whites hairs start to cover her skin. The speaks softly as she says “At the end of the year, I believe I will enter the eternal dream and my husband will inherit my lands. I fear... no, I know that he will be unable to hold onto them. He lacks the cunning to see that his own Aunt is working to take them from him. If he loses his lands, you will lose yours.”

“Why would she be so ambitious, she already turned down a Barony.” Lord Vaydalon asks.

Lady Agatha relies, “She doesn’t want a barony, she wants a County. If was not for me he would not have been able to keep his lands.”

Lord Vaydalon and the others agree to work together to make sure that the Count keeps his lands, if Lady Agatha helps them before she enters solace.

The maid then says that the Countess needs her rest and then leads the counts out of the room.

Lady Agatha: Additional things true
  • Blooded of the Elk
The Maid: two things true
  • Blooded of the Fox
  • Spring Character
After the meeting, there is dinner and Lord Vaydalon announces he has an unveiling. Dinner is served, a fine meal. Lord Throsh reaches for some of the food, and Lady No slaps his hand and scolds him for not asking first.

After dinner, Lord Vaydalon announces that he has started on an Opera House in dedication to the Opera House destroyed by the fire.

Lady Trisnoira enters, with Sabina’s husband and offers him back to her.
And promptly departs, but not until after Lord Vaydalon talk to her about possible recruitment.

Sometime passes when one of Lord Vaydalon’s flower arrangers shows up. He informs him that someone’s personal guard has shown up on Lord Vaydalon’s lands.

They all explore out to meet this incoming guard, with the exception of Lady No and Lord Throsh. Who stay out of range of the personal guard. Vaydalon noticed they were half staffed and Lady Namatha noticed they haven’t seen them yet.

The personal guard were near Lord Vaydalon’s plains. His roadmen were quelling trouble there.

Lord Vaydalon attempts to get the assistance of Lord Throsh from Lady No, but she refuses to let any him do anything that might cause harm to himself. Although Throsh is itching to get involved

As the personal guard advances, they noticed that their hands are covered in blood.

The battle was quick, and not as deadly as one would expect. One of the guards were nearly killed, Lord Vaydalon received a light wound. The personal guard says that if they lay down their weapons they will yield the field of battle to them. If not, the next injury will be fatal. Lord Vaydalon ask them who sent them, but they would not say. Lord Vaydalon and the others did cautiously laid down their weapons. The personal guard bows and takes a guarded retreat from the plains.

Lord Throsh anger grows as watches the battle, knowing that if was down there he could have made a difference.

Lady No turns to him and says “You did good.”

Lord Throsh asks, “At what, watching?”

“Being Obedient.” Lady No replied.

After the battle they returned to Sambol Castle. Lord Chayan remembers hearing of a ritual called Blooding the Soldiers. The ritual is very old and very few people know if it. The ritual is designed to train guards and armies. They are sent out on a conquest, not to conquer but to gain combat experience.

Once back Lord Vaydalon’s wife returns, she is covered in blood. She has a near fatal wound. But insists she is fine and demands to be left alone. Lord Vaydalon learns that the personal guard that they just fought were his, and believes that his serpent wife may have something to do with the bloodied hands.

You will never know your own Strength until you test it.

August 19, 2008

Why I'm NOT voting for McCain

From blog

"It may be typical of the pro-Obama Dungeons & Dragons crowd to disparage a fellow countryman's memory of war from the comfort of mom's basement, but most Americans have the humility and gratitude to respect and learn from the memories of men who suffered on behalf of others."
Now the article was in response to an attack by the Daily Kos. I think McCAin and those in his camp have every right to do so. But come on, what does D&D or those who play the game have to do with McCain or Obama? Nothing, it's just another example of an ad hominem attack that politicians like to use. The writer of the article, not McCain mind you, but Michael Goldfarb, wanted to paint a picture that all supporters of Obama are like that of the stereotypical geek. The comic book reading, 30 year old that never kissed a girl, lives at home with their mother, play D&D and dresses up like characters from Star Trek. And if you support Obama then you too are like that. He could have attacked the facts in question, but he didn't. He attacked the people who play D&D and tried to paint them all as Obama supporters. First of all I'm in no way an Obama supporter. I do not live in my mother's basement, but I've played and currently play D&D. And by lumping me in with the Obama supporter is an insult to me and all other D&D players that aren't mindless partisan hacks that toe the party line.

Now I'm probably not going to vote for Obama either. Although if Obama came out and said he plays D&D, I'd consider voting for him.

HotB: In game Terms for Ranks

So I was thinking, in most game they have terms that don't translate well with the real world. If I ask you "How strong are you?" You might say not very or average, or some other adjective. Well in game talks it easy to fall into using stats. The how strong are question might be answered with, "I have a strength of 16." In some game systems a 16 Strength would be good where another game system it would be bad. And unless you know the differences, the defining of a 16 strength is meaningless. During a game it's necessary to use these terms. Like when a character gets hit with a weapon. You take 25 Flesh wounds, or you lose 25 Hit points. Now the Storyteller, Dungeon Master, Game Master or whatever name you use to describe the person running the game. Could keep track of these numbers and let the player guess how serious the wounds are, but that's a lot of work. I tried it once. Usually the problem most notably comes into play with magic items. How do you say you have a +3 Sword of Slaying without saying +3. Well a group I played with awhile ago had a way.
"A quick-and-dirty numerological nomenclature for the arcane, using badly remembered Latin, probably improperly conjugated:
  • +1 Defixus Elementum (Elementary, or first, enchantment)
  • +2 Defixus Itarum (Second enchantment)
  • +3 Defixus Tertium (Third enchantment)
  • +4 Defixus Quartum (Fourth enchantment)
  • +5 Defixus Dominor (Supreme, or royal, enchantment)
Thus, "The sword has all the signs of an Itarum enchantment" would indicate a +2 sword."
Houses of the Blooded is no different. Everything has a Rank. My Spouse has a Rank. My nifty sword has a rank. My lands have ranks. The higher the rank the better the thing is. I was thinking about using those terms from that group for the Houses game I'm running. So a Rank 2 Bloodsword would be Itarum Bloodsword or Defixus Itarum Bloodsword. I am also think of using other terms for injuries, works of art, vassals. Anything that has a rank, will have a description to it. So I don't refer to my Rank 2 Spy Network, but my Adept Spy Network. Novice Staff, (Rank 1).

  • Rank 1: Light Injury or Flesh wound
  • Rank 2: Moderate Injury or Minor wound
  • Rank 3: Serious Injury or Major wound
  • Rank 4: Critical Injury or Crippling wound
  • Rank 5: Potentially Fatal Injury or Near Mortal wound
Vassal Ranks
  • Rank 1: Novice
  • Rank 2: Adept
  • Rank 3: Expert
  • NPC's: Master
  • Rank 1:
  • Rank 2:
  • Rank 3:
Items of Quality or Works of Art
  • Rank 1:
  • Rank 2:
  • Rank 3:
  • Rank 4:
  • Rank 5:
  • Rank 1:
  • Rank 2:
  • Rank 3:
  • Rank 4:
  • Rank 5:
I'm still working on these last ones.

August 08, 2008

HotB: The Spring Opera (Session Recap)

What could be more Ven then an Opera, Insults, Duels and Romance? I guess if revenge was thrown into the mix but we would want to overdo it on the first session, now would we.

Since the players Count plays an important rule in this adventure, we should start there.

Here are the things we established as true about the Count.

The Count Maurevel Thorne
  • He is Blooded of the Falcon
  • He is very young (Spring)
  • His wife is much older (Winter)
  • Namatha’s (Renee) Husband are Cousins
  • Had a Regent that just died
  • There is Political upheaval in the Counts Realm
  • Cunning is his weakness
  • Has the aspect Womanizer
  • Was illegitimately Blooded
  • He is quick to solve problems with a duel.
  • Has a Puzzle House
  • Is very idealistic
  • Is infatuated with Sabina (Quin’s character)
The Spring Opera
Spring is dawning. The last chills of winter die away as new life is brought forth to the land of Shanri. Final farewells have been said to those that enter solace. To the survivors of the hardships of winter, spring offers the chance of rebirth, renewal and it’s a time for love. And what better way to celebrate this then this new life then with an Opera. Our young barons were invited to an Opera. That was all they knew, they had to figure out the rest. He is what they discovered.
  • The Aunt of the Count invited them
  • Someone is spying on Sabina (Quin)
  • The Opera is toted as “A Stirring Love Tragedy”
  • “The Wife” is one of the main characters
  • The Opera Really Sucks (Of course the Players don’t know this yet, but it’s true.
    I saw a rehearsal of it and it really does suck.)
  • The Opera House is near the Senate
  • The Count wrote the Opera
  • It is a rank 3 Opera
So the stage is set, the players all arrive in their finest attire. Some have brought their Spouses and/or vassals. Some brought gifts for the Count. (I was running it like a party, meeting, that resources could be exchanged for free. And bringing gifts to a party is good form. Style.) As they enter the Opera House the Count’s Herald who had traveled the land promoting the Opera greets them all. They are escorted to their private opera boxes, and shown to the banquet area. As vassals to the Count the players were given nicer boxes then others. The boxes have screens that can drawn shut so that the Opera way still be viewed, but offers privacy from scanning eyes that may wish to see what is going on in the private boxes.

In the banquet area people have gathered to discuss news, and rumors of what the Opera will be about.

Chayan Mwrr (Matt) scans the room looking for someone he may know. He runs into an old friend from the academy. His friend is Blooded of the bear, and he was not invited.

Baron Chayan Mwrr: Three things true
  • Fascinated with Sorcery
  • Lands are mostly Swamps and Mountains
  • Weakness is Cunning (IIRC)
Namatha Steele roams around the room trying to gather information. She noticed that the Counts wife was not in attendance, because she was not invited.

Baroness Namatha Steele: Three things true
  • Weakness is Courage
  • Name means the unexpected
  • Has the aspect: “I Pull the Strings”
Lady Sabina wanders around the room listening for gossip. She hears that the reason the Counts wife was not invited was because the Aunt doesn’t like Agatha (The wife) because she has been taken too much control in the handling of the Counts lands. The Aunt wants to play regent and is looking for a new wife for the Count.

Lady Agatha: Three things true
  • Is a winter Character
  • Always seen wearing white
  • Reveres the greater Suaven Manna Renay
Baroness Sabina Mwrr: Three things true
  • Has the Aspect: Just a pretty face
  • Has some of the most plentiful plains in all of Shanri
  • Weakness is Prowess
Throsh Burghe (Ramses) goes to the banquet table and starts to eat. While he was there a Lady approaches him and asks if he plans on eating the entire spread. Throsh invites the Lady to join him. She asks what is good to eat. He replies that everything is good and then hands her a greasy turkey leg. She hands it to one of her servants to pick the meat of the bone for her. Throsh turns his attention back to the food and when he does, the Lady calls him a “Savage Brute” and starts to walk away. Throsh over hears the insult, and calls her out and directs an insult back to her. She turns to Throsh and asks him, “Did you mean what it?” Throsh replies, “Did you?” She says, “I did!” Throsh calls her a “Filthy Whore”. She calls him a “Smelly, Savage Brute.” Throsh replies with “Snobby, Filthy Whore”. The lady smiles as she calls him a “Ball-less, Smelly, Savage Brute.”
Throsh yells, “Enough!” Everyone gasps, and look to the competitors, and start to snicker and laugh at Throsh. (Throsh was tagged with a rank 3 insult).

Baron Throsh Burghe: Three things true
  • All brawn, no beauty
  • Is a Summer character
  • Killed his wife
Lady No: Three things true
  • She is a poison teddy bear
  • She has three dead husbands, currently looking for a fourth
  • She has some kind of relationship with Zsanosz, Count Kether
Namatha and Sabina notice a twinkle in Lady No’s eye that she is infatuated with Lord Throsh. Lady No wants Throsh as her next Husband.

Lord Chayan walks up to his friend, The Bear greets him, and Chayan asks how he got in. The bear replies “through the door”. The bear tells Chayan that if hasn’t gotten any food he might want to before it’s all gone. Chayan asks he was going to eat it all. The bear say, “No, but a cousin of his was there.” The bear then asks where Chayan’s seats are located and says he may join him later.

Just then bells start ringing, signaling that the Opera will be start soon. Namatha and her husband make it to their box first. As the people begin heading to their seats, the musicians start to warm up their instruments. Namatha looks to see who else has made it to their boxes. She notices a lady in the Count’s box, it’s not his Aunt, it’s Lady No.

Throsh and Chayan hang out at the food table a little longer. Sabina gives Chayan some suggestions as to what to eat. As the last remaining people from the banquet hall deport, Sabina starts box hopping to see what invites she can get. She bumps into Lady No, and she invites Sabina to her box. Unbeknownst to Sabina, Lady No is spying on her.

When Sabina has finished her rounds of she finds Lady No in the Counts box and sits down with them. She instantly starts to question the Count about the Opera.

Then another series of bells ring to signal the Opera is start soon. Servants run around dosing candles. The last of the people have taken their seats. The Count is beaming with pride as his work finally gets to be revealed. From the very first opening music, everyone can tell that the Opera will be bad. Sabina winces, and then addresses the box in general if the Opera is any good, stating she is still learning to appreciate this high Art. Oh course they all agree that it is quite good, but she can read there faces and learns that they are all lying.

Namatha leans over and starts kissing her husband as she draws the screen shut.

Throsh falls asleep and starts snoring.

Chayan leans over and whispers something into his wife ear. They draw the screen shut to their private box and they sneak backstage.

Lady Steele (Chayan’s Wife): Three things true
  • Blooded of the Elk
  • Very Cunning
  • Very Loyal to Chayan
Lady Sabina and Lady No talk about Throsh during the Opera. As they notice the privacy screen to Lady Sabina opens. They see the Aunt and Sabina’s Husband holding each other in warm embrace. The Aunt is trying to bump off Sabina’s husband.

The Opera continues for what could have been 3 operas. While backstage, Chayan and his wife go and try on some of the costumes. On their way back to the costumes, Chayan accidentally knocks over a candle and starts a fire.

Back in Count’s box, Sabina asks if there is a fire scene in the Opera. The count says, “No, but perhaps I should add one.” He calls over his Valet and tells him to take down some notes. The Valet questions the Count at the suggestion of adding a scene to the Opera. He exclaims, “The Opera is on fire!” Sabina replies, “It is!” and runs out of the box. Smoke starts to billow out from backstage, everyone notices the Opera House is on fire and starts to run out. The Count protests everyone not to leave. That once the fire is put out the Opera can resume.

During the mass Exodus, Throsh charges out of the Opera House, pushing past everyone in his way. He makes it out of the Opera House safely, injuring several people on his way out, Lady No being one of them (rank 1 Injury).

Chayan’s Wife leads Chayan out of the Opera House and no one saw them backstage. He makes out without injury, but she takes an injury.

After running out the Counts box, Sabina goes to find her husband. She finds him in their box with the Aunt and another woman are fighting over him. Sabina hides in the corner and watches what happens.

Sabina’s Husband: Three things true
  • He buys the act
  • Blooded of the Fox
  • Sucker for a Pretty Face
Lady Trisnoira Adrente (The Other Woman): Three things true +1
  • Wolf all the way
  • One of the best swordswoman in the entire senator
  • Brother has taken her lands, is here looking for Allies so she can take them back
  • And is an alley to Throsh.
Lady Trisnoira sees the fire as she argues with the Aunt. Lady Trisnoira picks up Sabina’s husband and throws him over her shoulder as she tells that Aunt that we can continue this outside.

The Count continues to insist that once this (the Fire) minor inconvenience is dealt with, the Opera can continue and is insisting that everyone stay. Even as the Opera House burns, Lady No turns to the Count and says “Excuse me you Grace, I was injured.”
The Count looks at her and gasps, “You were? By who?”
Lady No says, “By one of your Vassals.”
“Which one?” the Count asks.
“Throsh, he nearly ran me over.” She says with passion in her voice. “I demand satisfaction.”

Lady Namatha overhears the conversation between Lady No and the Count. She sends her husband over to Throsh to be his second.

Namatha’s husband walks up to Throsh and says, “Your excellence, it has been brought to my attention that you will be needing a second.”
“Really? For what?” Throsh asks.
“Lady No demands satisfaction, you apparently injured her on the way out.”
“That filthy slut.”

The Count orders Throsh over.
“Yes, my Liege.”
“It has been brought to my attention that you injured one of my guests here.”
“She was in my way...” Throsh starts to explain.
“An injury to one of my guests is an injury to me.” The count explains. “Do you apologies?”
“Apologies for the injury, but not to her.”
The Count turns to Lady No and asks her if she accepts this apology.
“How could I? He has not apologized, he apologized for the action but not to me.”
Throsh starts to argue with Lady No when the Count stops him.

The Count gathers an impromptu senate. The senate agrees that both sides have valid claims of injury and a duel is announced.

Seconds are chosen. Letters of Apologies are written and handed to the opposing your side. They both refuses to sign the letters and the duel is allowed to proceed. The duel was declared to the blood.

Lady No and Throsh take the field. They stare each other down for a moment. Then Lady No attacks. She cut him across the face. (Throsh takes a Rank 1 Injury) She then moves inside his sword and kiss him on the mouth. Throsh stands there stunned but kisses her back. They embrace each other for a moment, until she whisper in his ear, “Duels are such silly matters, let goes someplace quiet.”

Throsh agrees, and Lady No turns to the Count, “Thank you, I am quite satisfied.” she says with a smile. She takes Throsh by the hand and leads him off.

Fade to black.

Love poisons the heart. Makes us weak. Makes us sick.
And the only cure for our malady is that which caused it in the first place.
~The Great and Terrible Life of Shara Yvarai

August 02, 2008

Houses of the Blooded: First Impressions

I'm still floating on my gaming high. But I wanted to jot down some initial thoughts. A full recap will come later.

I ran my first Houses of the Blooded game, and it went REALLY REALLY WELL. I wish I could take all the credit, but I can't. I can't even take most of the credit. My players deserve the credit, they were the ones that ran the story. They did a fantastic job.

We first took care of Season actions. Then I showed them the contract they all would have to sign, IN BLOOD (not real blood mind you). Then I told them they are all Barons under a Count. Then I ask them to tell me who their Count is?

When that was finished we started the story. All I had prepared for the story was, "You all have been invited to an Opera" and let them take it from there. I was a little concerned at first because everything they were saying was great, but I wasn't sure where to take it. I need to shake things up. So I did. I explored some of the rules we never got to during the playtest. My players keep contributing, making things worse on themselves and the story progressed until they had written it into a nice neat little ending.

Three times I tried to introduce the Character I created, and three times, my players wanted her to be someone else. Which is fine, it worked out better that way. I did get to introduce her in the end. But it was Lady No that stole the spot light. It's hard to out shine Lady No.
(Lady No is a character we encountered in the Playtesting with John.) I had told myself that, "I would not introduce any character that John used from our playtest sessions." That was the only rule I placed on myself. Note: I did not say "I
would not use any character from our playtest sessions with John." That was deliberate. If my players want to introduce them, I don't have a problem using them. The reason I didn't want to introduce them is the same reason I don't read fan-fic. No one can write the character like the originator of that character. Same rule applies. But sometimes a world just isn't the same without a particular character in it. Like Drizzt from Forgotten Realms or Tasslehoff from Dragonlance. My players wanted Lady No so they got her. I only hope I lived up to their expectations. I think I did.

This is where it ends.
With blood and pain and revenge.

But it began with love.
This is how everything begins and this is how everything ends.
~The Great and Terrible Life of Shara Yvarai

August 01, 2008

Yet another tragic, unnecessary casualty in the War on Drugs.

Police Raid Berwyn Heights Mayor's Home, Kill His 2 Dogs.

Luckily this time to one was hurt, unfortunately the same can't be said for the dogs.

Mayor Cheye Calvo was not arrested in the raid, which was carried out about 7 p.m. by the Sheriff's Office SWAT team and county police narcotics officers.
So Mayor was not arrested, but I wonder, if he wasn't the Mayor, would he be so lucky?

As the police came in, Calvo said, they shot his 7-year-old black Labrador retriever, Payton, near the front door and then his 4-year-old dog, Chase, also a black Lab, as the dog ran into a back room. Walking through his house yesterday, Calvo pointed out a bullet hole in the drywall where the younger dog had been shot.
" the dog ran into a back room."
This clearly points out the use of DEADLY FORCE. *Note the sarcasm.*

Spokesmen for the Sheriff's Office and Prince George's police expressed regret yesterday that the mayor's dogs were killed. But they defended the way the raid was carried out, saying it was proper for a case involving such a large amount of drugs.
Of course he defends the raid, if he didn't he and his men could be held accountable. But if you or I brake down one of our neighbors door, shoot their dogs, and then say OOPS, sorry we got the wrong house. We would be locked up for braking and entering, destruction of property, discharging a firearm within city limits and probably a hand full of other charges. But because they have badges they get a pass.

And you think that it CAN'T happen to you because you don't use drugs. Well I'm sure the Mayor of Berwyn Heights thought the same thing.