I'm still floating on my gaming high. But I wanted to jot down some initial thoughts. A full recap will come later.
I ran my first Houses of the Blooded game, and it went REALLY REALLY WELL. I wish I could take all the credit, but I can't. I can't even take most of the credit. My players deserve the credit, they were the ones that ran the story. They did a fantastic job.
We first took care of Season actions. Then I showed them the contract they all would have to sign, IN BLOOD (not real blood mind you). Then I told them they are all Barons under a Count. Then I ask them to tell me who their Count is?
When that was finished we started the story. All I had prepared for the story was, "You all have been invited to an Opera" and let them take it from there. I was a little concerned at first because everything they were saying was great, but I wasn't sure where to take it. I need to shake things up. So I did. I explored some of the rules we never got to during the playtest. My players keep contributing, making things worse on themselves and the story progressed until they had written it into a nice neat little ending.
Three times I tried to introduce the Character I created, and three times, my players wanted her to be someone else. Which is fine, it worked out better that way. I did get to introduce her in the end. But it was Lady No that stole the spot light. It's hard to out shine Lady No.
(Lady No is a character we encountered in the Playtesting with John.) I had told myself that, "I would not introduce any character that John used from our playtest sessions." That was the only rule I placed on myself. Note: I did not say "I would not use any character from our playtest sessions with John." That was deliberate. If my players want to introduce them, I don't have a problem using them. The reason I didn't want to introduce them is the same reason I don't read fan-fic. No one can write the character like the originator of that character. Same rule applies. But sometimes a world just isn't the same without a particular character in it. Like Drizzt from Forgotten Realms or Tasslehoff from Dragonlance. My players wanted Lady No so they got her. I only hope I lived up to their expectations. I think I did.

This is where it ends.
With blood and pain and revenge.
But it began with love.
This is how everything begins and this is how everything ends.~The Great and Terrible Life of Shara Yvarai

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