True Blood
So I heard about this show from a friend that was all excited about except for the fact that she does not have HBO. Being a fan horror stories, films, thrillers etc. (not necessarily Vampires) I figured I'd give it a try. True Blood stars Anna Paquin, which is the only name I recognize. For those that my not know who she is, she played Rogue in the X-Men Movies. In True Blood she plays Sookie Stackhouse, a waitress at a bar in a small Louisiana town. She also has telepathic abilities, which the show never explains how or why she has them. She can hear peoples thoughts, although she tries to turn it off when around people she's close to. She falls for a vampire that enters the bar she works at one night. She's all excited because it's the towns first vampire. Because she can hear peoples thoughts she over hears some bar patrons planning to steal the vampires blood. Ok, I should probably explain somethings about vampires in True Blood. Vampires openly walk the streets ever since they "came out of the coffin". Scientist have created synthetic blood so vampires don't have to feed off of humans any more. They still like to from time to time, they just don't need to. So there's the whole discrimination, fear element with the humans that don't understand the vampires. Vampire blood also has special drug like effects. So there's a black market has sprung up. They changed the lore around vampires a bit. Things that have killed vampires in other shows or movies don't necessarily work. And other wards that work on other mystical creatures like werewolves also work on vampires. So now that your caught up, these patrons attack the vampire and pin him down with a silver chain. Sookie comes to the aid of the vampire and saves him before they can drain him of his blood. This is were she starts to fall for him. I guess it's the whole forbidden fruit thing because did I mention that Sookie is a pretty reglious person. This sets up an interesting dynamic between the two. Sort of attracted yet repulsed all at the same time.
Acting is ok. Some of the characters aren't very believable, like Sookie's, sleeps with anything that has boobs and a pulse, brother. And the gay fry cook at the bar Sookie works at. After watching three episodes it didn't pull me in enough to keep me watching. It definitely has potential, but the story seemed to be progressing too slowly. It's kind of like the writers aren't sure where they want to go next. In the end Anna Paquin would be the only reason I'd continue to watch.
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1 month ago
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