Sight is easy, The decorations will do that. All of the graphics we printed. All of the stuff we made. The dry ice in tea pots to make it look like steam.
Hearing was the next thing. I took sound clips from the movie and had them playing. As you walked into the rabbit hole you would hear the strange sounds Alice heard as she fell. Next room was the Flower Forest with the Flowers singing Golden Afternoon. And finally the Tea party with Unbirthday music.
Taste was next. Since Alice eats and drinks stuff in the movie and she either grows or shrinks depending on what she is eating or drinking. We had like cruppets made and little cups of Kool-Aid for people to eat and drink. I would have like to had tea to drink at the Tea party but that would probably had not been safe with the dry ice. I would have hated to see someone get burned on the ice.
Touch was a little harder. But I guess all the props could be touched.
Smell all I could come up with was brewing tea and coffee.
Since we were on a limited budget and limited space some of the story had to be cut. So we focused on the high points. Entering the Rabbit Hole. Alice's journey in what I called the Flower forest. Of course the Mad Hatter's Tea Party. The hedge maze ending at the Queen of Heart's Castle.
Here are the photo's, finally, of the Art Department's Alice in Wonderland.
(Keep in mind I had to use the flash, otherwise you would not see much.)
So with out further ado...

...and the fruits of our labor pays off. This year we finally won the Prize of Best Decorated Department.