During the Party
As the party continues on at Baron Vaydalon Yvarai’s Castle Sambol. Lady Trisnoira enters with Baroness Sabina Mwrr’s husband. Lady Trisnoira strides up to Lady Sabina and shows her husband. “Do you want this back?” Lady Trisnoira asks.
“Are you done with him already?”
“I am, but there are others who might want him, others that will not treat him as well as I have. As a courtesy to you, I am giving you the option to reclaim him first.”
“Very well, you may leave him.”
“As you wish,” Lady Trisnoira says as she lets go of (the Husband). “Remember this favor I did for you.” She finishes before leaving.
Somewhere in Castle Greytower
Lady Lura Steele, loyal wife to Chayan Mwrr, moves through the castle without making a sound. She slides into the private chamber of her husband unseen. She moves closure to her husband until he notices her. She sends him a warming smile, “Love, do you trust me?”
The question catches Chayan off guard, but he answers without hesitation. “I do.”
“If I were to ask something of you, would you give it to me without question?”
“Of course.”
Lura smiles grows as she asks, “I need one poison.”
There’s a moment of hesitation, but Chayan gives in to his wife’s request. “It is yours.”
“Thank you my lord.” She says with a slight bow before departing the room.
Meanwhile at Shay-Gaul Castle
Shay-Gaul castle is the residence to Baroness Namantha Steel and Garith Adrente. The sounds of heavy footfalls echo of the walls of the castle as a servant frantically search through the castle’s halls in search of his mistress. Upon finding her, he stops, composes himself before speaking.
“My Lady, The Count is here.”
“He is? Well send him in.”
“Ahhh… yes my lady… he has already let himself in. He’s here to see Lord Garith. My Lady.”
“Well go fetch him.”
“Yes, my lady.” The servant then rushes off in search of Lord Garith.
Garith walks through the halls of Shay-Gaul as he is towel off the sweat he earned from exercising in the yard. The Count is waiting him in the armory as Garith enters.
“Your Excellency good to see you again. What brings you to your estate?”
“Cousin! Good to see you too. Hunting, I was hoping we could go hunting this fine day.”
“Very Well, I will have the staff prepare the horses.”
Elsewhere in the castle
“You wanted to see me my lady?”
“Yes Matrim I do. The Count is visiting us this day.”
“Yes, my lady, I am aware of that.”
“Do you know what he wants?”
Yes, my lady. He is here to go hunting with your Husband.”
“Thank you Matrim.”
“Shall I keep an eye on them, to make sure nothing untoward happens to them?”
“Yes, that would be great.”
“Excellent idea my lady, I shall be off at once.” Matrim Steele, cousin and spymaster to Namantha, departs without making sound.
Later that day
“My lady, the Count and your Husband have returned safely.”
“Oh good. Was there anything else Matrim?”
“Yes my lady. It appears that the Count suspects his wife is plotting against him.”
Back at Castle Sambol
A servant of Castle Sambol nervously seeks out his master, Baron Vaydalon Yvarai. “Sir, there is a visitor at our door.”
“Well send him in.”
“Aye sir, it is just, he is here to see your wife sir.”
“Who is it?”
“It is Baron Barde Steiner, sir.”
“If she is willing to see visitors then send him in.”
“Aye sir.” The servant says before exiting the room.
In Calio Mwrr’s, wife to Vaydalon Yvarai, private chambers
“Oh Lord Barde, so good to see you.” Lady Calio manages to weakly whispers out.
“Yes, my lady. I only wish it was under better circumstances.” There’s a pause as Lady Calio quietly nods in agreement. “Here, I have an ointment I had my apothecary make for you. It will help with your healing.” Barde says as he sets down a jar of a white creamy substance.
“I’m sure it will, thank you, you are too kind.”
“You are welcome. I should leave you to your rest.” Barde says as he shots her a smile before departing.
To the City
Men dressed in black, trimmed in silver, carrying spears shows up at the doors of characters. They carry a letter from the senate that states they are to appear before the senate and the men in black are to assure their safe arrival. The journey to Davfanna Aldrena, the center of Shanri, home of the senate, is easy going. There was little trouble on the way. There are many topics up for debate and discussion this summer. One of them is the case of Count Maurevel Thorne vs. Baron Barde Steiner over the matter of the burnt down Opera House. Lilyth Thorne, aunt to the Count presents her evidence that Barde was working with a fellow bear to burn down the Opera House. Baron Vaydalon Yvarai presents testimony that Baron Barde doesn’t use sorcery. Baron Chayan Mwrr testified earlier that sorcery was used.
Then Lady No stands up. “I know who did it, and I have proof.”
There’s a murmuring of speculative chatter that spreads around the senate. Once order is re-established, Lady No continues. “Baron Throsh has secret chamber in his castle. In that chamber is a cloak. With a prick of the finger, anyone wearing the cloak can be made to look like anyone else. When you see the cloak and the wounds to Throsh, you will know the truth that Baron Throsh and Baron Barde were working together.”
The senate rules to place the case on hold until the evidence is presented and sends out the Vashna, the guards and investigators of the senate to Baron Throsh’s castle to retrieve the cloak and Baron Throsh.
When the Vashna returns, they present the cloak and evidence that Baron Throsh was not present at his castle. The staff was also present as evidence. They testified that their lord was angry about some news he received and departed in a hurry. He did say where he was going or when he would be back. (Lady No actually has Throsh chained up in her castle.) After all the evidence and testimony was presented and the debate concluded, the senate voted and found Barde and Throsh guilty of using sorcery in the destruction of someone else property. The jury gives them the punishment of having to wear the black for a year and a day and forfeiture of their lands.
Things true about Throsh’s lands.
- They are on a peninsula
- They are blocked in by Vaydalon’s lands
Things true about Barde’s Lands
- Way up north
- Poorly defended
- Loyalty of one
- Rank 1 personal guard
Narrator’s Notes: We lost Baron Throsh this week. The player decided that the game did not fit his style of role-playing and bowed out of the game. It was a shame really, I liked his character and had fun things planned for him. Since Throsh is not longer a PC and now a NPC, he got thrown under the bus in this session. Sorry Throsh. But starting a romance with Lady No is probably the last thing anyone does, and you were no exception.

This is where it ends. With blood and pain and revenge.
But it began with love.
This is how everything begins and this is how everything ends.
~The Great and Terrible Life of Shara Yvarai

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