Apples to Apples (Traditional version)
In the game Apples to Apples, everyone draws 7 Noun cards. They are red cards. Then one person acts as the Judge and lays down a green card. The green card has an adjective on it. Then everyone lays face down one of their red cards. The Judge then reads all the cards and picks the one that bests describes the green card. Or the Judge can pick the worst one, funniest one, stupidest one, etc. Either way a good time is had by all. The new round starts with a new judge. Usually you go around the table clock-wise. Play until some collects 7 cards (I think, when we play it we go around the table until we are tired and whoever has the most cards win).
A couple of weeks ago I was down in Tucson for my Cousin’s graduation party from U of A. We turns this fun party game into a drinking game.
Apples to Apples (The Drinking Game)
The game is played as described above. Except the Judge picks a drink before laying down the adjective card (Green). Maybe it's a shot, or a drink from whatever your drinking, or chugs a beer for X amount of seconds, etc. What ever the judge wants. After the Judge lays down the green card, players lay down a noun card (Red) and if the Judge picks your card, then you have to drink whatever drink the judge announced a the start of the round.
This adds a new element of the game, mostly you want your card to get picked, but if it means have to take a shot of something you don't like, maybe you'll want to throw away a card you don't think will get picked and hope that the next round has more favorable drink.
Also, always remember to drink responsibly.
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1 month ago
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