After saving Lady Jamais from a hanging by the Council of Public Welfare, we smuggler her out of Montaigne and sail to Medico, the island of Prince Falisci. Izzie is invited to a Party through by Falisci. After attending the party she returns to her ship to find Nick, her Quartermaster nearly dead in her quarters and her log and Vendel Merchant papers are missing. She returns to Prince Falisci to inform him of the problem and he helps with an investigation. He finds out how has the papers we go and retreive them. We sneak in and steal back our papers but after a brief fight. Izzie returns to inform Prince Falisci of our success when a Swordsman of Falisci's court stands up and says he's seen enough and changes the non-swordsman of the group to a duel. David goes out with Jacqueline to purchase supplies for a poisons that feign death. Daivd plans to use the poison in the event that the swordsmans is much better then him. Two days later the duels take place.
First the two duelist circle each other watch for any tells. Both calm and very business like. Then David moves in with a two quick almost simultaneous knife strikes which the swordsman easily avoids.
The duelist again go back to circling one another. Again David moves in with two quick knife strikes one easily misses and the other cuts through the shirt of the swordsman but misses skin.
The swordsman thrusts at David, David parries and counterattacks and misses.
During Davids counterattack he left himself open for a moment which the swordsman takes advantage of throws an elbow right into Davids throat causing him to stagger back gasping for air. The swordsman takes two more swings at David the first one misses, the second one cuts into his side.
David backs regroups before moving in with two quick attacks. Both attacks slice through the air missing the swordsman. The swordsman attacks, David parries and counterattacks. The swordsman parries the counterattack and performs a counterattack of his own. Another elbow smashes into the David's throat.
David quickly counters with two quick attacks. The first one knife is driven deep into the swordsman chest as the other knife glances off the swordsman's blade. The swordsman tries to counters with an attack of his own but David narrowly sidesteps the swordsman blade. David returns with two more quick attacks and again hits with the first one although the knife does not go in as deep, but still causes a lot of blood to stain the man's shirt.
The swordsman attacks, David parries and counterattacks, the swordsman parries and counterattacks with his blade. The blade slides deep into Davids chest causing him falls back. David stumbles way out of the swordsman range and falls onto
the ground in a motionless heap.
Jacqueline rushed to Davids side as the swordman walked over to make sure his job was finished. When he was satsifided he left and Jacqueline carried his body back to the Sea Fox. Ewan looked after the body of David until the time that the poison wore off. David was very weak and dehydrated and needed to clean up.
David washed himself, shaved his head and stayed below decks until after they had been three days out from Vodacce. When he appeared above decks he talked with the captain. The books were noted to have changed that David Rousseau had died and Jean Renault was added.
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1 month ago
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