So, Once upon a time there lived a Sea Captain and her ship the Sea Fox smashed into a much smaller boat operated by slavers from the Crescent Empire. Her ship got badly damaged when it hit the other boat. So the Captain had her crew fix the Sea Fox as she had one of her crewman torture the Crescents slavers. When they were done torturing the Crescent infidels slavers the Captain had them hanged, their bodies weighted down with shot and thrown into the sea as they sailed to Freiburg.
On the way to Freiburg we bump into a Vesten Raider by the name of Ragnar. Izzie talked to him, and she convinced him that we had nothing of Value, which was mostly true.
Once in Freiburg Izzie checked in at Drachenheim Manor and then we started our travel to Tannen. A few weeks of travel, we arrived in Seeufer, around dusk. As we entered the city gate we saw a fishing boat in trouble on the lake. We rescued the crew and boat from spending the night out on the lake, which would have been bad for them, Lake Sirens and all.
Took lodgings at one of the towns Inns. Woke up the next morning with a visitor wanting to meet with us. The visitor was messenger girl that took us to manor house, the house belonged to someone important, related to Fischler or something. They have a chapel in the back with an important crown to some saint. If it were fall into the wrong hands the War of the Cross could start up again.
We investigated some, Izzie talked to some old lady about small people "Heinizalmanchen" or something like that. There like gnomes. The old woman sent Izzie on some quest for a blue flower in the die Schwartzen Walder Forest. Izzie hired a boy to get the flower for us, but he never returned.
We went in after him, fought some Kobolds met with an Axe wielding Woodsman. Got paranoid around the Woodsman refused any help from him many times over until finally we excepted his help. He told us to go to his house and wait for him. We met the Woodsman's daughter had lunch, waited a few hours he never showed up. We took the blue flower the girl gave us and walked towards the path when we came upon the Woodsman. He saw the flower and said "oh you found them." We said "yes your daughter gave them to us". He said "I have no daughter." "Oh" we said. So the Woodsman lead us to the path back to town. Turns out the girl in the house is linked to the legend about the crown.
We walk back to town found the old lady. We gave her the flowers, she gives us the secret password and location to find a Heinizal-whatsit. Went to the place said the magic words and talked to one of the gnomes about the missing crown. He leads us to a hill and we enter the hill. Some ceremony was taking place. Turns out some new group small guys have moved in and were using the crown as a candelabra for their ceremony. After the ceremony, they invited us in for the party we ask for the crown back they give it and our small guy guide leads us back to Seeufer. Before our guide departs he give Izzie a small pouch that we are to give to Fischler and Fischler is to give to his wife.
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1 month ago
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