System: D&D 4th Edition
Status: Alive, Currently playing.
Mary Sue Test Score: 18, 19
A notable question that came up during the test that made me laugh. "Does the character use a katana or any other Asian weapon?" I laugh because Bran is a thief, extortionist, member of the Thieves Guild "Organised Crime", generally not a nice guy. One of the weapons available to him per the D&D 4th ed. rules are shurikens, or throwing stars. You know those weapons ninjas like to use in movies. Well a player suggested I pick some up and I laugh and told him I'm not Japanese.
About Bran
Bran is Irish or Welsh for raven. In celtic mythology ravens are considered an omen of death or war. This also fits into the world we are playing in. The Raven Queen, or the goddess of Death is the deity he reveres. She is like the ferryman in Greek mythology, basically responsible for making sure the souls of the dead make it to their final destination in the after life. Bran is not really a religious man, more of a deist. But he does look to the Raven Queen, although not for guidance or help or anything really. He serves her mostly because he feels he owes a debt to her. During his life of crime he met a woman and fell in love with her. Ríona was her name. She always dreamed of leaving the city for country life. She was born in the country and lived there as a child. But rough time came to her family and they had to more to the city to find work. Bran promised her that one day he would leave his life of crime and they would retire to the country. One day he managed to save enough to make that dream come true. He purchased a ring for his love. Sold all of his accounts, arranged to purchase a plot of land outside the city and raced home to tell his love the good news. But when he got home, he found the place a disaster. It had been ransacked, and he heard muffled cries coming from the bedroom. He charged into the bedroom were 3 men had beaten Ríona. One was raping her and the other two had waited for Bran. They surprised him, knocked him to the ground and beat him until they though he was dead. When he woke hours later. He discover the dead and violated body of his love. All of their valuables stolen. The ring for his love, the money he was going to use to purchase a little plot of land in the country, all gone. He managed to scrape together enough money to bury Ríona. Before they placed her into the ground, he placed his last two copper coins in her hands. And then said a pray to the Raven Queen. "Guide her safely to her new home. For I will be reunited with her shortly, but first I have affairs here I must attend to." He then turned and departed. Never to return her grave site. He returned to his life of crime with a new purpose. To revenge the death of his love. The only keepsake of her he carries is the pendant Ríona wore ever since she was a child. It's cheap, made of copper and tin. But it's priceless in his eyes. He took out a loan to have a stiletto specially made. The pommel has an engraved image of raven's head. The stiletto's sole purpose is to kill those that raped and murder his love. And he will not rest until blood is spilt.
Next week we will have Jade.
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1 month ago
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