Saturday as I was doing some cleaning, cleaning my room, feeding my tarantula and cleaning their tanks, feeding my butterflies, etc. When I got stung by a scorpion. So I have pet tarantula's but I don't have pet scorpions, but our neighborhood has always had a scorpion problem, so it's no surprise I got stung. But I find it ironic that during the time I was cleaning the tarantula tanks - one particular tarantula is really feisty - I didn't get bit or even struck at. But a walk to the kitchen for paper towels, a scorpion gets me, and it got me good. I've was stung by scorpion once before, so I thought I knew what to expect. This was ten times worse. It was hiding under the toe jam of our kitchen counters. When I stepped on it got me right on the balls of my foot just behind the middle toe. I though I had stepped on a tack or a needle. But then the burning started, and I knew that I wasn't a tack. When I looked under the counter, I saw the light brown critter. Within seconds I could feel the pins and needles feeling like when your foot or arm falls asleep. I finished what I was doing, washed my foot and flushed the little bugger down the toilet. I then took some benadryl, got a bag of ice and placed it on my foot and rested for about an hour. For the first few hours I felt a little jittery. My foot felt warm witht he pins and needles and there was a tiny little red dot where it stung me. Other then that no redness or swelling. That was different from last time. The numbness increased. My entire foot up to the ankle felt like it was a sleep. It didn't hurt unless I tried to walk. After a few hours of resting, got caught up on GH btw, the warm feeling was gon but not the numbness. I could rest any longer, I needed to do something, so I decided to run some errands. Driving was interesting. Have you ever driven when you can't feel the pedals?
The pain was gone after the first 12 hours or so. The numbness lasted a couple of days. My middle toe still feels swollen and numb. It doesn't look swollen, just feels swollen. Other then that I'm complete back to normal.
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1 month ago
1 comment:
*laughs* your foot has a set of balls? *giggle snort*
Yeah so it is juvenile but I found it funny!
Sorry you got stung, glad that it wasn't too bad.
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