August 19, 2008

Why I'm NOT voting for McCain

From blog

"It may be typical of the pro-Obama Dungeons & Dragons crowd to disparage a fellow countryman's memory of war from the comfort of mom's basement, but most Americans have the humility and gratitude to respect and learn from the memories of men who suffered on behalf of others."
Now the article was in response to an attack by the Daily Kos. I think McCAin and those in his camp have every right to do so. But come on, what does D&D or those who play the game have to do with McCain or Obama? Nothing, it's just another example of an ad hominem attack that politicians like to use. The writer of the article, not McCain mind you, but Michael Goldfarb, wanted to paint a picture that all supporters of Obama are like that of the stereotypical geek. The comic book reading, 30 year old that never kissed a girl, lives at home with their mother, play D&D and dresses up like characters from Star Trek. And if you support Obama then you too are like that. He could have attacked the facts in question, but he didn't. He attacked the people who play D&D and tried to paint them all as Obama supporters. First of all I'm in no way an Obama supporter. I do not live in my mother's basement, but I've played and currently play D&D. And by lumping me in with the Obama supporter is an insult to me and all other D&D players that aren't mindless partisan hacks that toe the party line.

Now I'm probably not going to vote for Obama either. Although if Obama came out and said he plays D&D, I'd consider voting for him.

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