December 26, 2009

Children of the Mirror: The Introduction

A few years back John Wick posted on his Live Journal page an idea for a horror based superheroes game call Children of the Mirror. (I'd post a link here except it's for friends only.) Since I love Superheroes and Horror stories I doubly loved the idea. It was just an idea and didn't go anywhere as Mr. Wick was busy with writing and publishing Houses of the Blooded. You can check out more John's works here.

After reading his post, I had a story idea and started writing. The inspiration died and other ideas moved to the forefront. But I saved a copy of John's post to my gmail files. Recently I was going through some of those files, throwing away old files I don't need any more, when I came across the Children of the Mirror. Not only did I have another idea for a story, but this time a campaign. Since it is just a story idea I don't need to know how the systems works, which is good because John didn't go into any details other then character creation and how it uses a deck of playing cards instead of dice. So if I ever get to run this I will probably have to create my own rules system, unless I get a chance to talk to John about it.

I am hoping that I can post some of my ideas here. Stay tuned.

December 25, 2009

Wishing you a very Merry Political Christmas

Dems celebrate in victory, as Repubs claim the fight is not over. Either way the "Historic" passage of the Democrats Health Care Bill passed the Senate in a 60-39 vote early on Christmas Eve. After hearing that the senate passed the bill, President Obama was quoted as saying,
“If passed, this will be the most important piece of social policy since the Social Security Act in the 1930s, and the most important reform of our health care system since Medicare passed in the 1960s.”
Really Mr. President? You want to equate the Dems Health Care "Reform" to Social Security and Medicare? With Social Security, a program that most people believe will not be there when they reach retirement age, and according to an article in the U.S. News & World Report back in May claims that Social Security will be spending more then it brings in by 2016 and will be bankrupt by 2037. And Medicare, which according to the same article is in a much worse financial situation.

With the most recent HINI Flu scare, we saw how the government handled that. First it took forever to get the vaccine out to the public, then there was the shortage, and lastly the recall of the vaccine. Do you really want your government handling all of your health care needs? Especially if the H1N1 is any indication on how they will handle it. Is our health care system perfect? No, not even close, but that is because we have too much government intervention already. Handing over total control will only make it worse.

I know this may sound strange, but I blame the Republicans for this. During the eight years under Bush, the Republicans passed all of their partisan bills that costs the American people billions of dollars (if not trillions), while the Democrats were given crumbs. Now the roles are reversed and it's time for the Dems to pass their partisan bills and live high on the hog while the Repubs scrounge for table scraps. But who really suffers? We all do, in higher taxes, higher debt and higher inflation with no end in sight. All because we thought the other evil was not as evil as the current evil. As I've said before, evil is still evil no matter which way you look at it. When will it all end? When we the American population all realize that we can't trust either the Repubs or the Dems. Vote out those life long career politicians and get get a third, a forth and maybe even a fifth and sixth party involved. Get the media outlets to work for us again, holding politicians accountable, and quit toeing the party line.

July 10, 2009

The Artist's Way

This Sunday, I will be officially starting a 12 week spiritual journey to higher creativity as outlined in Julia Cameron's Book, The Artist Way.

Ever since a friend of mine told me about the book I wanted to do it. I picked the book up for my birthday. Happy Birthday Me! I've started reading through it and started feeling scared, a little intimidated by it. But excited too. I told all my artist friends about it and even some non-artist friends too. But it wasn't until a couple weeks ago a friend of mine, Thank You! (you know who you are.) Pinned me down, and made pick a date. July 12, 2009. Encouraged me to "Leap" and realize "the net would appear."

I have my Notebook ready for my morning writings. Which I know will be a challenge for me. I am so not a morning person. I figure I will go through 3 notebooks during the 12 week journey. I have signed the contract and I'm ready. I will return to posting regular Wednesday Quotes. They will be using quotes The Artist's Way.

My bags are pack. I love you all. I'll see you when I get back. I'll remember to take lots of pictures and sent a post card or two.



May 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Me

134,727 People
34 years ago I entered the world and 134,727 people said "Ahh shit there goes the planet, I'm out of here." Including Runner Steve Prefontaine.

Oh and my Birthday celebrates the anniversary of Joan Arc being burned at the stake. That was 578 years today. I wonder if anyone brought marshmallows?

April 26, 2009

Lacuna Part 1. The Creation of the Mystery & the Girl from Blue City (2nd attempt)

Last Friday I did not have a Houses Cabal game because we were playing Lacuna. One of the Houses player wanted to run a one shot of this game and we all thought it would be fun.

If you don't know what Lacuna is, and you probably don't, it is a role-playing designed by Jared Sorenson. The setting is Blue City, a bizarre ever changing world set in the minds of the collective sub-conscious of over 6 billion people. A dream world where nothing is what is seems to be.

You play Agents awaken and trained by the company to be inserted into Blue City to hunt down and do away with rogue elements casing harm within Blue City. You have no memory prior to being waken up. So this means no backstory, no past drama in your life. You aren't even allowed to pick your own name. One is randomly decided for you. As well as your age and sex (determined by the sex of the player). At first I found this annoying. I like elements of backstory and angst ridden pasts. It's what makes the characters more real, more believable and frankly fun to play. To me this is the most important aspect of the character, any character. It creates depth, motivations, emotions, and it was all taken away from me. But then I told myself, You are playing Agent Smith, not Neo. Agents don't have emotions, they don't have motivations. They have the mission and that is all.

The next element of the game is your HP (Hit Points). There is no HP in Lacuna. That's no big deal, a lot of RPG's don't have HP. But they have sort of damage system. Lacuna doesn't have damage per se, because have you even taken damage in a dream? I know I haven't. I've hit my head while sleep waking as I dreamed. But it wasn't the dream that hurt me. Here's the catch, and I LOVE this, Heart rate. Your heart rate is your HP. The longer you stay within Blue City, the more you do in there, the higher your heart rate goes. If you reach your Max Heart rate, well, bad stuff happens to you. I love this because it creates the mood of being up against the clock. That if you don't hurry, you will fail your mission and you may even die. But the act of hurrying up causes your heart rate to increase faster. Thus amplifying the urgency. To me this was the coolest element of the game.

Next is the setting. We didn't get to explore the setting a whole lot, because we were too preoccupied with trying to complete are mission. At first I found the setting a little annoying. Any time you tried to do something, something that interacted with Blue City. Something as simple as trying to get into a car. You have to roll. The act of rolling causes your Heart Rate to increase. The number you got on your dice roll caused your HR to go up that much. So if I roll a 7 to try to get in that car over there. My HR goes up by 7. Oh and failed to get into the car. You need a 11 for all rolls to be successful. But lets say you are successful in that roll. That means your HR still increases. Instead of 7 lets say I rolled a 12. My HR would go up by 12. If by doing nothing in that hopes that the plot finds you, nothing happens. You have to do something to drive the plot. Now I said I love the HR system, and I do. What I found annoying is the simple stuff, the stuff that we normally take for granted in other games are not simple and requirer rolls. We quickly found out that there are no simple actions. But there are no complex actions either. There is only actions. And the physics that rule our world don't exist either. I coined the phrase, "Dream Logic", at the game. Dream logic is the logic is being able to do what you normally can't do in the real world. I could open a door enter a room and then exit the room from the same door and that door doesn't necessarily lead me back to the previous room I was in. I could state that I enter the room in completely different part of town. And I would be there, provided I succeeded my roll. In the real world this is not logical, but in Blue City this is completely logical, hence, Dream Logic. Once I figured this out, the game became a lot more fun.

There are few more elements to the game, but I won't go over them. They are more crunch bits to the setting. All in All I really liked the game. I don't know if I would like for a campaign, but as a one short it was a lot of fun and would play it again if given the chance.

April 13, 2009

Food for Gamers 2

Last Friday for the Houses of the Blooded Cabal game, I thought I'd forgo the chips, cookies, or other sugary snacks that I normally bring for something a little more Ven. So I'm walking around the grocery store, racking my brain for something simple yet tasty and hors d’œuvre like to get. When I walk past the deli section and see some sliced pepperoni. Then I think of a n old favorite of mine. Salami and cream cream.

• A package of Philadelphia Cream Cheese
• Sliced Salami

1. Spread some cream cheese on a slice of Salami.
2. Roll Salami
3. Eat

Another tasty, yet simple treat. You can do all the work, or you can just put everything out on a plate and let everyone spread their own. Which is what I did. If I was hosting a special Gaming session or a LARP, I might prepare the snack ahead of time. But the way I did it lets the player decide how much cream cheese they want, and tastes may vary.

So at the game, I was the only eating them at first. Which is fine, I love them so I didn't care. But then at a break the other players asked what I was eating. At first they all thought I was crazy, and they maybe right, just not about what I was eating. Everyone had to try it and they were surprised at how good it was. They all said something to the fact that, "I would never have guessed that salami and cream cheese would go together." So if your looking for something different, give it a try if you haven't already. You might be surprised.

March 02, 2009

Food for Gamers

A couple of weeks ago for the Houses of the Blooded Cabal game, I brought 2 loafs of Beer Bread, (Guinness Bread), to the game. (I'll post the recipe later.) But now I want to try other simple breads. Here's the next one.

7-Up Bread
• 3 cups self rising flour
• 3 tablespoons sugar
• 7 ounces soda pop (7-up brand, at room temperature)

1. Mix ingredients together and form into a loaf.
2. Place in greased bread pan.
3. Bake at 350 for 25 minutes.

Ya, it's that simple.
I actually want to try this with Strawberry soda or other fruit-type sodas.
It's very similar to the Guinness Beer Bread I made, which I also want to try with Sam Adam's Cherry Wheat Ale and a Raspberry Ale, I heard about.

Once I'm finished, I'll post the results.

February 25, 2009

Wōden's Wisdom Wednesday

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
~Thomas Jefferson
I know I haven't posted in awhile, I'll explain in my next post.

January 14, 2009

Wōden's Wisdom Wednesday

"The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel."
William Gibson's book "Neuromancer"

Ok, so not really a quote that inspires wisdom, but I really loved the way this book starts out.

January 07, 2009

Wōden's Wisdom Wednesday

Happy New Year Everyone!
"I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."
~Pablo Picasso (1881 - 1973)

This quote was inspired, because this year, not only am I continuing taking whistle lessons, but I am also taking bagpipes lesson.