December 11, 2008

Political Corruption, the Game

It seemed like this year there was more political corruption stories then normal. Maybe it's because it was an election year, or politicians think they can get away with anything and are doing more and more corrupt things. Either way, I will be following the political corruption stories a little more closely in the up coming new year. Here's how...
(Announcer voice)
Are you ready for America's favorite pastime next to baseball? That's right kiddies, it's time for the...

The Political Corruption Game
(Working Title)

(Applause and cue game show music)

Here's how it works. When a politician gets caught with his or her pants down, that politician's party gets points. The number of points depend on how high of a position that person holds.

If it's just an accusation it's worth 5 points. Like Sarah Palin's Troopergate. There was an accusation and an investigation, but that was all. No charges brought against her. The Republicans would have gotten 5 points.

If the person resigns, is charged, impeached or otherwise removed from office, it's worth more points.

50 points if it's the President.
40 points if it's a member of Congress, both House and Senate.
30 points if it's a presidential cabinet member, executive departments, or federal agencies.
20 points for State officials.
10 points for Local officials.

The Eliot Spizter prostitution scandal would have been worth 20 points because he resigned, he was the Governor of New York. So the Democrats would have gotten 20 points.

Bonus points may be awarded if the politician is particularly annoying, arrogant or says stupid stuff. 1-5 points can be earned in this way depending on how arrogant, stupid or annoy they are.

Let's meet the teams. First we have the,

Democratic Blue Donkeys
The Democrats are no stranger to corruption. Dating back to when the Democrats were the Democratic-Republician party with Thomas Jefferson and the Sally Hemings controversy. To present day heavy hitter Bill Clinton. Who racked up an impressive 125 points during his 8 years in the White house.

Republican Red Elephants
The Republicans are also no strangers to corruption. But they don't have as impressive of a history. But that's because there party didn't get it's official start until 1853, but quickly rose in the ranks. No doubt with the help of unethical conduct. The Republicans too have their stars. Most notably Richard Nixon with the Watergate scandal followed by his resignation. But a new breed of Republicans like Senator Larry Craig from Idaho and Senator Ted Steven from Alaska are making them a team not to be taken lightly.

So without further ado...
Let the games begin, and may the best... errr, worst party win.
Game will officially start on January 20 2009.

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