Jean Renault was fast asleep when suddenly there was a sharp pain in his chest. At first he thought it was another one of his nightmares, but this was no dream, the pain was real and in a flash he knew what had happened. Instantly he was awake. He grabs the stilettos he keeps at his side and pushes the assassin back, before he could get another strike. A river of blood ran down his naked chest. A new scar to be added the many that already covers his body, if only he survives the night. Jean and the assassin stare at one another as the dance of death begins.
* * *
Izzie was two rooms down the hall. She was in the middle of writing in her journal when she heard the sounds of a fight. She quickly goes to the side of her fiancé and gently wakes him. "Diego dear."
"What is it Bonita?" Diego murmurs as he slowly awakes.
"There's, something going on… out in the hall," Izzie nervously whispers, "perhaps we should..."
"Aye Bonita, I will check on it for you."
Diego gets up, rubs his eyes, grabs his daggers and walks towards the door. Diego and Izzie venture into the hallway but everything is still. The sounds can still be heard from a room down the hall. Izzie huddles close to Diego as they creep down the hall towards the sounds. Izzie face turns pale when she realizes that the sounds are calling from Jean's room. Diego tries the door, it was still locked. Diego runs back to their room to get his lockpicks. Izzie returns with Diego as fear turns into horror. As Diego runs back to Jean’s room, Izzie starts to light every candle and lantern she can scrounge up.
* * *
Jean patiently worked at the assassin’s defenses. Waiting for an opening and striking then. After what seems like hours but in reality has only been a few seconds, Jean has tipped the scale towards his favor. But it had cost him a great deal of his own blood. The two were about even when Jean changed his strategy. He went on the offensive and instinctively the assassin went on the defense. Jean dropped one of his stilettos and the assassin mirrored the action. A blade of darkness formed from the palm of Jean's hand. A similar blade formed from the assassin’s hand and the dance continued. Jean and assassin launch into a flurry of stabs and parries and counter stabs with lightning like speed. Some of the stabs hit as other are parried or riposted. Except for the shadow daggers, they always seem to hit, but when they do, they spill no blood. Jean keeps up with assault as the assassin switches styles but stays very defensive. Jean believes he has the assassin almost finished. He watches and waits for the assassin to drop his guard one last time. So he can deliver the finishing blow. The assassin hears the door unlock, he glances over and sees a pair of feet on the other side of the door. Jean sees the assassin’s attention had been diverted and quickly stabs twice at the assassin. The first strike hits, and the assassin realize that he is about to lose this battle. The second one is about to do the same, when the assassin touches the shadow he is casting on the wall and instantly sinks into the wall. The shadow blade passes harmlessly through what should have been the assassin’s head. He won't get away that easy, Jean thinks to himself as he stretches out his own hand and touches the shadow he was casting and disappears into the wall.
* * *
By the time Izzie was done lighting all the lanterns and returns into the hallway, Diego has finished unlocking the door. The sounds of fighting suddenly stop. Diego throws the door open draws his dagger and enters into an empty room. Izzie runs to Diego's side. The lantern light spills into the room illuminating the small pools blood covering the floor and bed. Izzie swallows and audible gulp as she stares stunned at the carnage left behind. Both Diego and Izzie stood motionless for a few moments, not knowing what to do next. Then Izzie starts to light all the lanterns and candles in Jean's room.
* * *
Jean was left disoriented for a moment. The ground below him was soft and spongy. The sky was the strange violet hue that made him uncomfortable and all sounds were muffled like they where very far away and heard through earmuffs. The assassin was running away. He looked back to see if Jean had followed and started running harder when he saw him. Jean ran to catch up with him. His body was pumped with adrenaline which made catching up with the assassin easy. The voice of rage demanded satisfaction for what he had done. Jean was eager to obey.He raised the stiletto he held. The killing blow only moments away when a vision flashed in his minds eye. It was the vision of a shadow knight, a creature that lurks in the dark paths, a reminder of what happens to those that have died here. This vision caused Jean to suddenly stop, the killing strike frozen in place. Jean decided to let the assassin escape. The adrenaline drained from his body allowing the cold ice water like chill to fill the void. Jean recognized this feeling and knew he needed to get out of the dark path. He saw a shadow cast from the real world and stepped out.
* * *
Diego and Izzie had finished searching Jean's room for clues when they exited. Diego started to head back to their room when he saw Jean start to walk into the hallway from an adjacent hallway and darted back. Jean saw he was spotted so turned around the corner and placed his fingers to his lips and whispered "shhh..." then motioned for Diego to follow before slipping down the hallway. Diego nodded and started to follow. Izzie still nervous about the nights events, noticed Diego walking down the hall. His hands sliding down to the daggers at his side as he turns the corner. Curious as to where her love is going she runs to catch up. Jean is slumped against the wall and has his hand to his side trying, unsuccessfully, to keep the blood from spilling out when Diego sees him.
"Who all is out there?" Jean whispers
"Just the Captain and me." Diego replies as the Izzie rounds the corner. She emits a gasp at the condition she sees Jean in.
"Hello Captain" Jeans says as he forms a weary smile. "Can we speak in private?"
"Yes, I'll get Christopher." Izzie says as the blood drains from her face.
Diego helps Jean back his and captains room and lays him down. Izzie returns shortly with Christopher. Christopher starts to clean and stitch up Jean when Izzie asks, "Do you know who did this?"
"No, but I'm sure its safe to say that the people I use to work for know I'm still alive and want to change that."
A mental image of the midnight visitor she encounter so long ago flashes in her mind as her face changes to yet another pale shade of white. She starts to leave but only makes it to the door when Jean asks. "Captain? Can we keep this quiet?"
"Why?" Izzie nervously asks.
"If THEY learn that the others know, when they are finished with me, they'll be next."
Izzie blinks rapidly as she utters "Oh"
"If anyone asks, I was up late last night and had a disagreement with someone."
"I suggest you stay away from the tables then."
"Aye, aye Captain."
Christopher cast a curious look towards Izzie after hearing their conversation. She sees his look and tries to give a reassuring smile. Once Christopher is finished, he stands up and packs his things and leaves.
Jean slowly stands, still weak from all the blood loss. "If there is nothing more Captain, I'm off to bed."
Izzie just shakes her head and sits down on her bed next to Diego who was trying to sleep.
"I'll see you in the morning." Jean says as he exits the room.
"Good night Renault." She manages to squeak out before he leaves. Still in shock from Jean's subtle hint that perhaps she may receive another midnight visitor.