November 04, 2008

Third Parties

Could Third-Party Candidates Be Spoilers This Time?
... Given the current political environment, third parties really should have had a better year. After all, many of the things Americans find most objectionable about the past eight years, from the first authorization to go to war in Iraq to the $700 billion Wall Street bailout, are by-products of the two-party system. To third parties, bipartisanship looks a lot like collusion. And certainly on at least a few key issues, from immigration reform to support for Israel, the two candidates' positions are not that dissimilar. ...
I won't tell you who I voted for, but I will say I voted for a third party candidate. That paragraph pretty much sums up my feelings.

Q. How do you know if a politician has a bad idea?
A. Both Republicans and Democrats support it.

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